$15 – $30

per unique species

  • Custom Modification
Tailored adjustments to existing plant models to meet your specific requirements.
  • Quick turnaround
Swift edits to align with your project deadlines.
  • Wide Variety
Ability to modify a diverse range of plant models on our store to suit your needs.


$150 – $320

per unique species

  • Cost Effective
 Accurate pricing depends on the complexity of each species.
  • Technical Support
60 days after completion
  • Non-Exclusive Rights
Permits extensive usage, however, the models may be purchased by others 45 days post-completion.
  • Strictly Non-Resalable


$2000 – $5000

per unique species

  • Exclusive Use
You will be the sole owner of the custom plant models, which will not be sold or made available to any other customer.
  • Lifetime Support
Priority from our dedicated team for any queries or issues related to the models.
  • Resale and Redistribute
Permits for optional reselling or redistribution of the models.