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Collection 29 – Australian Plants (3D Model)


List of Species:
1: Agave striata
2: Banksia spinulosa
3: Dodonaea viscosa
4: Eremophila glabra
5: Eucalyptus caesia Silver Princess
6: Eucalyptus saligna
7: Hydrocotyle prolifera
8: Juniperus horizontalis
9: Lomandra longifolia
10: Melaleuca thymifolia

Collection 29 – Australian Plants

Collection 29 – Australian Plants

This product Collection 29 – Australian Plants  of high-quality 3D plant models. Includes many variations in growth, age and form. Therefore, It will allow you to cover all stages of growth making it a complete production solution. You can use it easily with the PBR materials. In addition, we have already set up Vray/Corona Renderer materials for 3Ds Max and GrowFX files. Our FBX format enables you to import into any software you would like to use. For example Sketchup, Lumion, Blender, Cinema 4D….Moreover, GrowFX file you can customize the number of polygons, height and form.

Note, Software required for the different options.

  • Mesh : Software able to import FBX.
  • GrowFX : GrowFX 1.6 & 3Ds Max 2016 or higher.
  • 3Ds Max: 3Ds Max 2016 or higher.
  • Material: Vray ,Corona, Standard.
  • Collection 29 – Australian Plants




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